Hola! My name is Lourdes Loayza

At this point of my life I'm a freelance ux designer but before that during the last 7 years I used to be part of marketing teams of many industrial companies that I worked with.

Why I decided to be ux designer? During all these years I worked with customers in many different aspects and I do really loved to work with them, as part of a marketing team I always tried to have happy customers as much as I could, so when I researched about new ways of customer's experience I discovered UX design and I had a crush on it that's why I am here a marketing girl who decided to do an about-face with her professional life and now wants to participe and work more in projects as a ux designer.

Why you should choose me?

I'm a very curious person and I always ask why? and how? and again why? even if nobody else ask it, I'm not afraid to give my opinion and I know how to say things to people. Also, I'm a very organized person and I can deal with many things at the same time.

What I am good in?

I had to learn many things but I consider I'm good when I have to analyze situations, research and organize information in order to take practical decisions. Also, I'm very good when I have to explain something to someone.
I'm not bad at all when I have to use design programs and design something but I thing you should check my work and see If I'm good enought in that point.