
The context

Bluefire is a program that let you manage different kind of process in companies that work with quality management system and ISO normative. At this point many companies in PerĂº are working with this program and as part of its continuous improvement the company decided to developed an upgrade using UX design perspective.

My role

Research & wireframing - UI/UX design - Prototyping - Motion Designer

The challenge and what I learned

In my opinion the main challenge was the complexity of the program at the time i had to understand every user flow and the little time assigned to each task. The other challenge i found was that I was the only UX designer in the team.

However all these things led me improved my habilitie to organice my work in order to inprove the time to complete all the tasks they asigned me.

This project led me met new users that work with complex process every day which are very important for the companies they work with so it was a great experience for me that they let me help them.