
The context

Inteligens is a company that develop sensors of energy and temperature. The information that those sensor recopilate is used by the companies to track the work of some equipments like servers, air conditions and others in order to mantein the best of those equipments and reduce the fails.

My role

Research & wireframing - UI/UX design - Prototyping - Motion Designer

The challenge and what I learned

In my opinion the main challenge was the information that sensors recopilate, that information was to technical and the users work with those values and I had to learnt and understand that information in order to interview the user person . The other challenge i found was that I was the only UX designer in the team and all process was my entire responsability.

However all these things learnt something new, I had to research a lot of things and concepts in order to complete all the tasks and responsabilities they asigned me.

For me this project was special because at the end it let me realise that every industry had some specific and complex process and it feels good when you can made things easy for others.