
The context

This proyect was as part of the works that Laboratoria's bootcamp asigned to me during my UX design specialization. The challenge was to explore a business idea and test it. I made this proyect by my own.

My role

Research & wireframing - UI/UX design - Prototyping - Motion Designer

The challenge and what I learned

As I had my background experience in sales and marketing departments this challenge was not so complicated. What was a little hard for me was to find a company where i can test with so after thing about the idea i decided to proved with Tambo creating a new sales channel.

My theory is that digital sales channels are more efective and give to traditional companies more rentability when sales are completed using this digital channel because they reduce lots of operation costs.

I prototype my idea and test with Tambo's clients, they gave some more new ideas and liked the digital sales channel. All these proyect gave the liberty to prove my theory and use the fedback that clients gave me, this proyect had no boundaries and it was the best enviroment to prove theorias.