BCP hackaton

The context

BCP is one of the most important banks in PerĂº, nowadays it has a innovation center calls CIX BCP that helps the bank in all the processes they manage. In that time, CIX participated in Laboratoria's hackatons with a challenge that expected to help them how show the information of CIX's projects to the most important bank's managers in order to obtain the aceptation of each project.

My role

Research & wireframing - UI/UX design - Prototyping - Motion Designer

The challenge and what I learned

In my opinion the challenge at that time was the 32 hours that the hackaton's organizers gave us. I was part of a UX team, we were 4 people and we started at 9am and had a demo presentation next day at 5pm, so we had lots of things to do and we needed to run with the times.

When I worked in this project I had to work in a team and in some cases I had to lead some parts, I had to help my team not to feel stressful for the times, all of we were focus on MVP so we prioriced the ideas. We had problems to contact the users because they didn't come at the time so we needed to find other ways to talk and test with them.

It was difficult but also was funny so I really enjoyed that experience because it showed me what I can do in that kind of situations.