The context

Qimi is software that let you manage all the equipment, parts and resources of the in companies that work with maintenance team, it it's a computerized maintenance management system and as part of its continuous improvement the company decided to developed an upgrade using UX design perspective.

My role

Research & wireframing - UI/UX design - Prototyping - Motion Designer - FrontEnd

The challenge and what I learned

In my opinion the mains challenges were 2 things, first that I met and found more than 2 user persona types. Qimi works alredy with 6 kind of user persona and all of them work as a team but had many different type of requirements so was not easy to find an equal balance for all of them.

The other challenge i found was that I had to develop some features and I had to remember all my knowledge about HTML, CSS3 and Jquery. I have to admit that i was out of practice.

However all these things led me practice and remember the knowledge i had about develop.

Also, this project led me met new users that work with complex process every day and had many differents pain points as part of teams.