
The context

Joinnus is a very popular startup in PerĂº that sells tickets for events, concerts, theater events, game sports and other activities. They wanted to start to sell numbered tickets so we had to think about how to do it and wich would be the best way.

My role

Research & wireframing - UI/UX design - Prototyping - Motion Designer

The challenge and what I learned

I made this project when I was taking my specialization in UX design, Joinnus contacted Laboratoria and they gave us the challenge and the context of this project. They asigned me a partner to work in this solution and gave us 2 weeks to present the solution.

The most difficult thing that my partner and I had to resolve was to find the correct users that could help us in the project, that search take us some days and then we had to run with the time in order to complete all the ux process.

This project lead me improve my research abilities in order to find the correct users, to detected what they expected, to interview and test with them.